A community organisation is stronger when working in partnership with other community organisation. BSK’s partnership works help to deliver project complementing a holistic approach. We worked in partnership with local government, Somali groups, other arts and cultural organisations and several universities. Our partnership works include community research, translation, empowering women and different cultural events.
The book ‘একাত্তরের শহীদ ডাঃ আলীম চৌধুরী’ written by Shyamali Nasreen Choudhury was translated in English titled ‘Dr. Alim, A Martyr of 1971’ by Manoshi Quayes and Farah Naz in partnership with Loughborough University Migrant Memory and Postcolonial Identity project (MMPI).
The launching ceremony was chaired by Prof. Emily Keightley with panel discussion and members were Shyamali Nasreen Choudhury and her daughters -Dr Nuzhat Chaudhury and Farzana Chaudhury, Prof. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Poet Shamim Azad, the translators and participants from Bangladesh, USA and the UK.
The aim of the project was to create and inform international audience a true narrative of a victim family of the forgotten Bangladesh genocide.
Bishsho Shahitto Kendro (BSK UK) was a partner at the All Points East In the Neighbourhood “Bangladesh @50” festival in Victoria Park on Tuesday 31st August.
The theme of the performance: Bringing back the memories of wartime radio, cultural and literary presentations.
The programme followed the dramatised presentation of ‘Chorompatra’ the most popular local radio program during the period, songs from the 1971 Madison Square Concert for Bangladesh and other songs sung by the singing troop visiting freedom fighters at the camps during the months of war to inspire them and recitation of the famous poem ‘September on Jessore Road’ written by Allan Ginsberg.
This project’s aim was to reintroduce some wartime classics to the next generation here.
Partnership with Loughborough University
In December 2019 Migrant Memory & the Post-colonial Imagination (MMPI) joined BSK’s Moulik group (Study Circle) for a series of reading groups on the topics of migration, identity, Partition and the Liberation war.
This is an audio of some of the recent discussions focused on Rabindranath Tagore, Kobi Nazrul and the literature developed around the Language Movement. Discussions have moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a collaboration work of Loughborough University and BSK UK.